Discount wholesale Crunch Fitness Apparel - Genessential – Donnor

Genessential provide a closed loop of test-plan-product service. Precision Test: Utilizing Metagenomics methods, our Microbiome Analysis reveals an overall evaluations of guts microbiome status, potential pathogenic bacteria,probiotics, nutrient metabolism, and synthesis of small molecules and neurotransmitters. Risks of related diseases are also evaluated. Precision Plan: Self-developed algorithms based on population data generate personalized and comprehensive nutrition, supplements, fitness and probiotics product plans, suitable and feasible. Product: G-Yield and G-Young series. Genessential is a high-tech company focusing on customized nutrition and wellness improvements, providing customers systemic service including test, personalized plan, and nutrition products. Customized and suitable diet/fitness/nutrition plans are made to explore individual features based on genetic test results. The greatest strengths of Genessential is generalizing AI-based nutrition solutions. Our R&D and analysis group build nutrigenomic database, algorithms and probiotics products, supported by cutting-edge whole-genome DNA and guts microbiome test technology. Genessential has a R&D laboratory at Silicon Valley, California. The scientific team comprises of multiple disciplined Ph.D. and scientists from Biomedicine, Genomics, Nutrition Science, Big-data & AI tech fields. They dedicate to give customers personalized gene-nutrition plans applying their leading research findings.

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